Cut through the noise and clutter of the Essence Festival to deliver the Walmart message of Saving Money and Living Better.
Increase awareness of Walmart’s involvement in the African-American community and increase African-Americans likelihood to shop at Walmart.
Create relevant platforms to talk to consumers such as the ‘HBCU experience’ and ‘Black Love and Relationships’.
EVENTS: Developed on location programming focused on relevant topics to the African-American community. The HBCU experience featured programming from well – respected educators, and a Stomp the Yard cast member reunion. Additionally, a Black Love and Relationships panel brought together experts and celebrities to discuss thoughts, insights and opinions on dating. SOCIAL: In addition to pre-program promotions via social media platforms, all events were live tweeted to extend audience engagement. Consumers joining the conversation via social media were entered to win Walmart gift cards.
Delivered two live events with 2,000+ Attendees featuring “Black Love and Relationships” and “The HBCU Experience”. Secured 13 Celebrity Panelists. Delivered 2 Million Social Media Impressions. All events were live tweeted, attendees also had the opportunity to win Walmart gift cards by participating in the discussion via social media. 386 Merchandise units from panelist participants sold onsite.